Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here are tips for breastfeeding Working Mother

1. Give Milk Expression
Dairy milk is milk that was collected with squeezed from the breast to be stored and later given to infants. Mom does not need to worry, the milk will not be stale. Milk can be retained at room temperature up to 6 hours. If kept in a flask which was given an ice cube, can hold up to 24 hours. In fact, if stored in the refrigerator, its resistance increases up to 2 weeks in refrigerator temperature is varied. If stored in freezer is not separate from the refrigerator, and often open, lasting 3-4 months breast milk. While in the freezer with separate door from the refrigerator and can be maintained with constant temperature, the resistance of breastfeeding at 6 months.
It is not difficult to express breastmilk, not even always require special equipment or pump breast milk. Enough with his own two-finger massage, breast milk can come out smoothly. This milk can be given to the baby the next day. Absorb milk in a container, and mark each container with markers according to milking time. Give the baby in order of milking.
A. Squeezing the milk by hand
All mothers should learn to squeeze the milk. Mother can begin to learn during pregnancy and can apply it immediately after childbirth. Squeeze by hand requires no tools so that a woman can do it anywhere and anytime. Squeeze by hand is easy to do when breasts tender. Breasts will be harder pressed when very irresistible and pain.
How to squeeze the milk by hand:

Prepare a cup, glass or bowl that is very clean.

Wash with soapy water and dry with a tissue / cloth clean. Pour boiling water into a cup and let stand for several minutes. When ready to squeeze the milk, waste water from the cup.

Wash hands thoroughly.
Place the cup on the table or hold with one another hand to hold the breast milk.
Body leaning forward and prop breasts with her hands.

Put your thumb around the areola above the nipple and index finger on the areola below the nipple.

Massage your thumb and index finger into the chest toward the wall.

Now massage the areola behind the nipple between finger and thumb.

Press and release, press and release. At first no milk comes out, but after being blackmailed several times, the milk starts to drip. Breastfeeding can also radiate when reflex active spending.

Squeeze the areola in the same way from all sides for sure milk is squeezed from all segments of the breast.

Do not massage the nipples and do not move a finger along the nipple. Pressing or pulling the nipple can not exclude milk.
B. Electric pumps
Electric breast pump is more efficient and suitable for use in hospitals. However, all the pumps easy to carry infection. This is very dangerous if more than one mother using the same pump.
C. Warm Bottle
This is a useful technique to remove the dam, especially when the breasts are very sore and taut nipples.
How to use the technique of warm bottle is:
Find a large bottle (such as a 1 liter, 700 ml, or 3 liters) with a neck width (if possible).
Ask family to heat some water and fill the bottle with hot water. Allow a few minutes, to warm the glass bottles.
Wrap the bottle with a cloth and dispose of hot water.#
Chill the bottle neck and insert it into the nipple until it touches the skin around it tight.
Hold the bottle is strong, after a few minutes to cool bottle and cause it will pull gently sucking nipples.
Warmth helps reflex expenditure, and the milk starts to flow and sucking on bottles. Sometimes when a woman first feels this sucks, he will be shocked and interesting bottle. So that should put more hot water in the bottle and start again.

After a while the pain in the breast is reduced and extracted by hand or suction can be done.
2. Preparation and Giving
Prepare yourself to leave his own mother and baby foster a sense of trust that he will be fine at home. In addition, she also had already started to learn milking two weeks before the leave ends. When the baby is asleep and began to feel swollen breast, breast milk me immediately and save them in the refrigerator. Tomorrow afternoon, the mother expressed milk can be given to infants.
Meanwhile, to prepare the baby, she should start getting used milking breast-fed babies with a spoon This is to prevent the baby has nipple confusion. Until the baby is 5 months old, it can happen.
3. Breastfeeding milking
• Take milk by milking time (the first milking given first).• If frozen milk, melted under the warm water flow. To warm, pour the milk in a container, place on top of another container of hot water.• Whisk the milk first before testing the temperature. Then test by dripping milk on the back of his hand. If too hot, wind-aired hot for fall.• Do not use a microwave oven to warm the vital substances for milk is not lost.• Give with a spoon.
4. How to Save the milk for Practical Long-lasting with
• Put the milk in plastic containers for food or that can be inserted into the microwave, the container melamine, glass, or ceramic cup. Do not enter the milk into a plastic glass or plastic beverage packaging styrofoam.• Give the date and time on each container.• Chill in refrigerator. Save up to limit the time allowed (2 weeks).• If you want to be frozen, put in refrigerator overnight before, just plug it into the freezer. Use prior to the maximum extent permitted (3-6 months).• If frozen milk will be thawed, transfer the milk into the refrigerator the night before, then thawed and warmed the new tomorrow. Do not freeze milk that has moved back into the refrigerator.

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