Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Deal With Fibroids and Pregnancy?

Are you aware of your fibroids in uterus and trying to get pregnant? Is it possible to have fibroids and pregnancy without any complications? Will fibroids tumors affect your ability to conceive? Should you go in for uterine fibroids treatment before getting pregnant?
In this article I propose to provide answers to the above questions. These are absolutely valid concerns which any woman who has fibroids in uterus will have if she wants to get pregnant.
Research has indicated that uterine tumors can impact pregnancy post conception and sometimes in the pre-conception stage also. Women may have problems in actually conceiving, experience miscarriages, discomfort and pain.
The good part is that statistically majority of women with fibroids do conceive naturally and have a trouble-free 9 month pregnancy. Pregnancy is a joyous moment in a woman's life which we all want to enjoy without any complications. Hence the best way to deal with fibroids and pregnancy is to take uterine fibroids treatment beforehand to get rid of the uterine tumors with the help of natural, non invasive methods.
However if you are unlucky and fall in the category of women who come to know of fibroids in uterus post conception, there is not much that you can do in terms of fibroids treatment. You can only keep a close watch on your body and health with a view to report to your doctor as soon as you notice anything unusual.
Here are some natural tips to deal with fibroids while pregnant.
In general all pregnant women must always have a healthy diet. For those suffering from fibroids in uterus it is best to switch over to organic food and avoid food which is preserved or artificially flavored. Drinking at least 2-3 liters of water is essential to keep the body hydrated and flush out all the harmful toxins from the body. In case fibroids tumors cause pain and discomfort, heat therapy and gentle massage can be used to deal with fibroids and pregnancy. While pregnant it is very important to stay happy and stress free. Plenty of rest and stress reduction practices like Aromatherapy and meditation will help in staying calm and stress free.

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