Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moving the more Little Lively

 Pregnancy 24-28 Sunday: In this week, the space for the baby is still at large. He can move at will. Make no mistake, a loud noise from outside can make he 'jumps'. By the age of 28 weeks, she was able to know where the movement of the feet, knees or torso. Even my mother could feel he was a hiccup.,

Pregnancy 29 weeks: at this age of space in the womb of Mother becomes narrower as the size of a baby gets. Your baby's movements are also more limited. But, once the move will be felt strongly.

Pregnancy 32 weeks: More and grows, the more active baby even though its movement more and more narrow. Indeed, a strong movement to make Mom a little uncomfortable, especially if the kick on the ribs Mother.

Pregnancy 36-40 weeks: Mom would ask why the baby is rarely kick. At the end of pregnancy the baby's movement began to decrease. No need to worry. The important thing my mother still feel the baby moving. Ten movements within 24 hours was normal.
How Much Movement?
Actually, the baby moves all the time. However, only a few movements that is strong enough that she could feel. Usually I can feel the movement of approximately 10 times in 12 hours. If your baby is moving excessively, or movement made my mother in pain, she should ask a doctor. Vice versa if the movement is less.

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